Rich Aunty Vibes

The Rich Auntie vibe is all about being a woman who puts herself first. She makes time for herself and lives life to the fullest. She’s not bothered about money or status, because she knows she’s the bag. Besides, time is money and she spends it on what really matters.

Free flowing outfits are great for achieving the Rich Aunty vibe. You can wear a dress, two-piece outfit, or jumpsuit to achieve this effect. For added class, you can add a waist belt. Short dresses can be made of suede, chiffon, or satin. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and a clutch.

The Rich Aunt aesthetic is a hot topic on social media. Typically, this type of dress is feminine and comfortable, and often features high-end materials and high-end brands. These styles often represent upward mobility, independence, and agency. As a result, young women are adopting the look. The look is a mixture of 1970s-inspired feminine dressing and 1980s power dressing.

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