Nan Whaley Net Worth

Nan Whaley Net Worth

Nan Whaley Net Worth

Nan Whaley is Mayor of Dayton, Ohio and running against current Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley as candidate for Governor in Ohio’s Democratic primary race. While she made an impressive showing, she lacks name recognition that would enable her to transition into becoming a household name across Ohio.

Nan Whaley has led her city through one crisis after another, including a water line break which left 400,000 without service, four indictments in a public corruption probe, and tornadoes which devastated neighborhoods. Furthermore, she has led through economic challenges while creating living wage jobs in her region.

Nan will carry that same spirit forward as Governor of Ohio by spurring entrepreneurship and providing Ohioans access to quality jobs and career pathways. She plans on convening leading banks, investors, community lenders, entrepreneurs, and others together under her reinvention Ohio initiative in order to guide public investment into our most innovative companies. Furthermore, she plans on streamlining business support organizations, making them more accessible, and restructuring public purchasing policies so as to provide small businesses more pathways towards success.

As the daughter of a small business owner, Nan understands the value of having a strong economy. She will fight to expand Ohio’s manufacturing base and establish an equally robust workforce to compete against other states’. Furthermore, she will advocate for fair minimum wages to ensure workers receive what they are due. In addition to that she will ensure Ohioans have access to an affordable public pension system to save for their futures.

Corruption must be tackled head on, and Nan will work tirelessly to shed light on any instances of it in Columbus that threaten Ohioans’ confidence that their government works for them rather than political donors or special interests. She will increase transparency so Ohioans can see exactly where their tax dollars are being spent, while working closely with state legislatures to strengthen ethical standards across state agencies.

Sam Braun and his family reside in Dayton’s Five Oaks neighborhood since 2001; in 2008 they bought a home on Wroe Avenue. Although he does not use social media like Instagram and Facebook much himself, Braun can often be found helping out his partner with her Democratic gubernatorial campaigns via her account on these platforms.

Couple do not yet have children but plan to soon. In the interim, Charlie, their canine family member, has become part of their lives and loved by both. Charlie likes playing with toys and visiting parks while learning tricks and commands from his owner.

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