Jungle Survival Youtube Net Worth

How Much is a Jungle Survival Youtube Net Worth?

If you are keen on survival techniques and nature exploration, chances are you have watched at least one jungle survival YouTube channel. These channels show people building homes, weapons and other objects out in the wilderness using only primitive tools – while some videos may be staged or real-time footage shows what it’s like living in the jungle – all using YouTubers who use these videos for inspiration! But just how much money do these YouTubers actually make from doing what they love doing online?

Since these channels have gained in popularity over time, it’s important to keep in mind that most aren’t authentic. These accounts follow popular trends and many videos are obviously faked – often employing larger teams off-screen that use tools impossible to find in a jungle environment; and often feature actors from Phnom Penh who could not possibly survive there themselves.

Australian John Plant launched his Primitive Technology channel in 2015 and quickly rose to become one of the most acclaimed jungle survival YouTubers. His videos quickly became incredibly popular, portraying him as an unlikely Robinson Crusoe-type figure clad only in blue shorts – teaching viewers how to build things using stone tools and machetes. Today he boasts more than 8.5 million subscribers with nearly 600 million video views; additionally he even has an author contract!

Kent Survival, known for his camping and nature exploration videos on YouTube, boasts one of the largest jungle survival youtube net worths with a net worth exceeding $1 Million from this platform. His videos boast more than one million subscribers and 500 million views – enough to earn him over a $1 Million income through this medium.

Not content to rely solely on YouTube ads to make money, he has also diversified his income by starting a camping gear brand and hosting outdoor events. Furthermore, he hosts his own podcast and frequently appears as a guest host on other podcasts.

Daniel Radcliffe stars as Yossi Ghinsberg, an Israeli backpacker who becomes lost in the Amazon jungle. Filming took place across Colombia and eastern Australia and took eight weeks. Director Greg McLean had to spend months scouting locations before selecting the ideal spots for his movie, working closely with locals to ensure his crew were treated fairly. All those involved earned an income while traveling the globe with this exciting project. They were also able to obtain cash rebates from the Colombian government, which allowed them to recoup some of their investment and receive additional funding from production company that helped create high quality video content. This is an example of diversifying income sources and becoming successful on YouTube.

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