David Patrick Kelly Net Worth

David Patrick Kelly Net Worth

David Patrick Kelly is well known for his acting, music and various business ventures. Over time he has amassed significant wealth but prefers living an modest lifestyle and not wasting any of it.

David Patrick Kelly currently boasts an estimated net worth of approximately $1 Million, but that number could increase over time as his career advances and investments continue to expand in the entertainment industry. Kelly is known for his fiery yet fierce character roles in movies and television shows such as Walter Hill’s New York City gang drama The Warriors where he made his first impression with Luther, leader of leather-clad gang The Rogues; after this performance he would go on to appear in several other movies such as 48 Hrs, The Crow, Commando among others before moving onto films like 48 Hrs which would put him into full character roles while giving performances with tight-lipped expressions making him perfect for challenging roles such as this role as seen throughout his acting career since then!

He has also appeared as a regular on TV shows such as Twin Peaks and Gossip Girl. Additionally, he is an accomplished singer/songwriter having recorded two albums; with “Rip Van Boy Man” featuring both new tracks as well as classic clubbing music from his days in the 1970s clubbing scene.

David Patrick Kelly has also proven an active investor on the stock market since 2003. He has traded more than 21,500 Kforce shares, amassing an estimated total of over $1.2 Million assets.

Furthermore, the actor has frequently appeared as a guest on radio programs and hosted his own podcast where he discusses various aspects of both his personal and professional lives – from upcoming projects and favorite foods to his passion for golfing and beach visits. He’s an avid sports fan himself!

He credits SCTV with opening many doors for him as an actor, including helping to secure some of his biggest acting roles. Furthermore, he credits it with teaching him how to play scenes onscreen. Furthermore, Schitt’s Creek allows him to be creative with the characters he portrays and allows for him to flex his creative muscles through him playing them all!

David Patrick Kelly has found a way to manage his busy acting schedule while still finding time for family. Married to theater actress Juliana Francis Kelly and father to one son, David often takes his son along on acting gigs with him and supports various charities including autism awareness. David Patrick Kelly also enjoys advocating on autism issues while constantly seeking new opportunities such as Avalon (produced by Big Sky creators) which will premiere on ABC in 2023 and has also voiced Big Shot (popular Disney Channel series).

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