Senior Business Intelligence Analyst Salary

A senior business intelligence analyst is directly responsible to the CFO and has a close relationship with the CEO and the top management of the company. They develop and analyze information to assess company performance and develop strategies to minimize costs and handle expansion. This position requires strong analytical skills and knowledge of relational database structures. In addition, they play a leadership role within their work group and work collaboratively with other analytic teams and the central engineering team.

The average Senior Business Intelligence Analyst salary is $86,071 per year. This salary includes an estimated twenty-four percent federal tax. If the analyst works 50 hours per week, he or she would take home $86,071 per year, which is equal to about $3,586 per paycheck. The figure does not include any metro-specific taxes.

A senior business intelligence analyst salary varies depending on the industry and company. Some of the top companies paying the highest salaries for this position are USAA, Spectrum, Alameda Alliance, and McKesson. These companies are expected to pay their employees $115k per year, while Alameda Alliance pays $125k annually.

As the demand for BI professionals rises, the Senior Business Intelligence Analyst Salary is increasing at an unprecedented rate. It can reach unimaginable levels. To take advantage of this lucrative career opportunity, you must have the appropriate skills and expertise. Interested individuals should consider enrolling in a Business Intelligence course at Syntax Technologies.

The average salary for a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst is $81,000 per year. They also receive a 401(k) plan, free food, vision insurance, and health savings accounts. Salaries vary from company to company, depending on experience, skill level, and industry. As the demand for big data continues to rise, the demand for experienced Business Intelligence Analysts is expected to continue to increase.

The median senior BI analyst salary varies by location. The cost of living varies from city to city, and taxes and regulations affect the salary in different jurisdictions. The highest salaries are found in New York, where a senior BI analyst earns $150k annually. However, salaries in Bellevue, WA are slightly lower than those in New York. In other cities, such as Austin, Texas, and Santa Clara, California, average salaries for senior BI analysts are slightly higher.

A Lead Business Intelligence Analyst salary can reach $159,500 per year. It is a highly specialized position, and those in this role need advanced problem-solving skills. They must also be able to adapt to an ever-changing work environment. Additionally, they must possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

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