The phrase “living the life of Riley” has been popular since its first appearance in 1940 in the radio comedy series “The Life of Riley.” The play was made into a feature film in 1949 and a popular American television series in the 1950s. The phrase is still widely used today. It even appears in the album of a group called A-Bones.
Originally Riley was spelled Reilly, but later the word was spelled Riley. The term, “living the life of Riley,” referred to the luxury of living a life of Riley. While it has Irish roots, it is now more common in New Jersey than in Ireland. In addition to its Irish origins, the term “living the life of Riley” spread to the military during World War I.
Riley Children’s Foundation and Riley Hospital are both nonprofit organizations. As such, any promotional material produced in the name of the hospital or foundation must be approved by the Foundation. Likewise, any event held in the name of the hospital or foundation should complement the hospital’s image and mission. Moreover, it is prohibited to sponsor events that promote alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
Third-party events must be conducted according to laws in your jurisdiction. The Riley Children’s Foundation advises that you should hire an event organizer that is licensed to hold charity events. Ensure that the organization has the proper insurance policy for the event. It is also important to ensure that the third-party event organizers include the Riley Affiliates as additional insureds.