Guyana Business Directory

The Guyana Business Directory is a comprehensive reference guide designed to promote and connect businesses with people from all sectors of the country’s economy. Organized by economic sector, it provides contact details, company profiles, and photographs of key players. It is distributed to government offices, hotels, airport lounges, and to everyone who asks for information about investment opportunities in Guyana.

The business directory was launched in Georgetown on Saturday. As the petroleum industry has grown in the country, so has the need for the directory. Many of the people in the directory have branched out to explore opportunities outside of oil and gas. This has helped to increase the number of businesses, boosting the economy and creating jobs.

The “Who’s Who in Guyana” business directory was launched by ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc. in collaboration with Acme Marketing Consultancy. It features interviews with top industry executives, economic reviews, and other business information to help investors make informed decisions about their investments in Guyana. For more information, visit the website of the ActionINVEST Caribbean Inc.

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